How do I record a Cash Payment Onsite?

Some parks collect cash payments for onsite reservations. Here is how to add it to Firefly.

1. You will need to Add a New Reservation (for steps on how to do so, click here). 

Once you add the New Reservation, the screen will change to give you an overview of the newly booked reservation.

2. Click on the Charges Tab for the specific reservation

On the Charges Tab, you will find the Balance Due, and the New Payment button. 

3. Click New Payment 

4. Check the boxes next to the charges you wish to apply

5. Click the Payment Method drop down, choose Cash, click Save

When the page refreshes, you will see updates in these places: Balance Due, Payment Status, and the notification in the bottom right corner. 

That's it!


💡 Pro Tip: Want to make a payment for only one charge? Click the "..." next to the charge, and then click "Add Payment" 


❔ Want information on charges, other types of payment types? Click here!