You may have some emails you send out to your guests on a regular basis. Rather than write each email from scratch over and over, you can simply save it as a custom template!
Creating a custom template
To create a custom template, navigate to Settings > Email Templates. On the top right, click New Custom Template.

The email template editor will load, where you can give it a name, set the subject and body.

You can use placeholders just like you do when editing any other email template.
Once your new template's name, subject, and email body have been set click save. You will be able to see all your custom templates at the bottom of the Email Templates page.

Using a custom template
To use your new custom email template, just navigate to the Email Guest page. You can get here by clicking Email Guests under the Guests section of the main menu, or by clicking Email Guest from the Guest tab of a reservation.
On the Email Guests page, select your desired template from the email template dropdown on the top right.

The subject and body will then be populated with the subject and body from the email template.

You can now edit the email template if desired before you send off the email to your guest(s)!