Updating unit settings is a breeze with the Import/Export tool!
Last Updated: October 18, 2024
Link to Feature: https://app.fireflyreservations.com/units (or click here)
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You can quickly share settings between units with the Import/Export tool! You may share only one setting, a few, or all settings. When you import, you pull information from a selected unit into the current unit. Exporting allows you to share the current unit's settings to other units. You may export to one unit, a group of individually selected units, a unit class, or all units.
CAUTION: Select units and settings carefully. Imports and exports can not be reversed.
WARNING: When transferring rates, ALL rate information is shared with the selected units. This includes special rates and all rate tabs: daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal.
Use the Import/Export Tool
The tool is accessed in a unit's setup. To navigate to a unit, click Settings > Units > click a unit name to open its settings. Complete updates or necessary changes, if needed.
When ready to import/export, click the Options dropdown on the top right. Click Import/Export Unit Info.

You will then see the Import/Export options dialog box, as shown below.
- Choose your action.
Select EXPORT to share data from the current unit to other units. Select IMPORT to pull data into the current unit from another unit. - Choose your units.
Importing allows you to select one unit to pull information from. Exporting allows you choose to as many units as desired to push information to. You may Select All (2) to include all units the park, individually click on units to include them, or use the dropdown for a unit class. If using Select all or a unit class, you can uncheck any units you do not wish to include. - Choose your settings.
You may select as many settings as desired. Select All (3) will check the box on all settings. You can uncheck any you do not wish to include. - Double check your selections.
We highly recommend you take a moment to double check the units and settings you have included since an import or export transfer can not be undone. - Complete the data transfer.
When ready, click Continue. A success message will be displayed in the lower right corner once the settings have successfully imported or exported.
NOTE: If exporting to 6 or more units, you will see a confirmation pop-up like this: This is your last opportunity to double check the number of units you have included.
If this matches the number of units you selected, click "Yes, copy settings".
- You may verify a successful export by returning to the unit list, open one of the units you exported data to, and see the unit has been successfully updated!
TIP: The Clone Unit tool effortlessly creates a new unit by duplicating an existing one.
Watch the process in live action!
Want to watch this process in action? Check out the video for a walk through on using the import/export tool.
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