Import or Export Unit Settings

Last Updated: July 22, 2024

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Using the Import/Export Tool


If you want to update your rates, photos, descriptions, etc, it can take quite a bit of time to do this for each one of your units. However, the import/export functionality makes this a breeze! If you need to update the rates for all units, just update the rates for one unit, then export the new rates to all other units.

Using the Import/Export Tool

  1. Click Settings
  2. Click Units
  3. Select 1 unit and update the settings as you desire that need to be copied over to other units
  4. Click the Options menu on the top right
  5. Click Import/Export Unit Data
  6. You will now see the Import/Export options dialog. If you want to export data from the current unit to other units, select Export. If you want to import settings from another unit to the current unit, select Import.Screenshot 2023-05-10 162218
  7. Next, choose any number of units you want to export to (2). You can also select all units from a unit class from the dropdown. This will automatically select them above (4). Finally, choose which settings you want to export to the selected units (3). Once all settings have been chosen
  8. Click Continue.

A success message will be displayed when the settings have successfully exported. Return to the unit list and select one of the units you exported data too. You can now verify the unit has been successfully updated!


Remember, if you want to duplicate a unit, use the Clone feature.

Warning: If you are importing/exporting rates, it will pull ALL of the rate information: including special rates, and all rate tabs (daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal). 


How do I copy unit settings over to multiple units? 

The Import/Export tool has the option for you to either choose units individually, or you can choose to copy unit settings to a unit class. Below are the steps for either. 

Want to watch this done? Check out the video to watch the walk through on using the import/export tool

1) Go to the Unit you wish to copy to others (Settings --> Units --> Click on the Unit)

2) Click on the "Options" button in the top left corner

3) Click "Import/Export Unit Info"

4) Choose the Information you wish to copy

5) Choose the individual units or choose the unit class from the drop down as pictured below


6) Click continue and the information selected will be copied over to the units selected. 


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