Using the Guest Portal

Our guest portal allows guests to manage payment methods, sign policies, request reservation changes, and communicate directly with your park.


🔗 Direct Link to Guest Portal Settings: 

Quick Links:

Guest Portal Overview

Access the Guest Portal

  • Accessing the Guest Portal as a Firefly User
  • Accessing the Guest Portal as a Guest

Sending the Guest Portal Link in an Email

Navigating the Guest Portal

  • Reservation Details
  • Reservation Policies
  • Payment Method
  • Payment History
  • Make a Payment
  • Attachments
  • Contact Us

Disable Guest Portal


Guest Portal Overview

Many common issues guests have can be taken care of through the guest portal. Why should the guest have to make a trip to the office or make a phone call during office hours in order to update their credit card on file? What if they work long hours and they forget about their expiring credit card leading to failed payments? The solution is the guest portal.

Available 24/7, guests can view and manage their reservation from the comfort of their couch. They can view their reservation details, view and sign policies, update payment methods, review past payments, make payments, upload attachments, and request reservation changes.

Accessing the Guest Portal

The guest portal can be opened several different ways. You can access the guest portal for your guests as well, this allows you to see exactly what they see.

Access Guest Portal as a Firefly User

From the reservation detail page:

  1. Click the Options menu in the top right of the reservation
  2. Select Guest Portal to open the guest portal reservation search page which will be pre filled.
  3. Click "Search" on the new tab that has opened

Accessing the Guest Portal via Reservations Tab


Another way to open the guest portal is to just select Reservations, then click Guest Portal. This will open the guest portal link in a new tab. 

When the guest portal is opened, the reservation search page will be displayed. This allows the you or the guest to enter their reservation lookup code and their first and last name in order to find their reservation.

Guest portal reservation search

The reservation lookup code can be found on the reservation detail page in the top header.

Reservation Lookup Code

Accessing the Guest Portal as a Guest

Guests will need access to the Guest Portal Link in order to access the reservation. The Firefly system default settings includes this link in the New Reservation email unless it has been edited or changed. 

Tip: Parks can add the Guest Portal link directly to their website giving guests another opportunity to find the guest portal link without your clerks having to re-send the link manually via email. 


Once a guest has the link, they can enter in their last name and the reservation lookup code to sign into the guest portal. 

Sending the Guest Portal Link to Guests in Firefly

A link to the guest portal can be included on any email sent to the guest. In email templates or in custom emails, you can click the Guest Portal Link and Lookup Code buttons to enter the placeholder into the email template, as seen below.

CS-Firefly-KB-Settings-Email-Templates-Guest-PortalEntering guest portal information in email templates


This allows guests to always have quick access to the guest portal. They will need to know their lookup code so it is important to include that in the email as well.

Navigating the Guest Portal

Reservation Details

The reservation details page of the guest portal shows the guest the information we have on file about them, such as their name, address, phone, and email. Reservation details such as their assigned unit and arrival/departure dates. Links are available for the guest to request a new unit, change reservation dates, cancel the reservation, and view rate details .

Screenshot 2023-02-15 151802View Reservation Details

Reservation Policies

Guests will have the option to read and sign their policies. If all have been accounted for and signed, a message stating “All policies for this reservation have been signed.” will be displayed. Once signed, guests will also be given the option to view the policies at their own convenience.

policies-6-768x764View or sign reservation policies

Payment Method 

If your guest's credit card on file has expired, they got a new card, or they just want to change their payment method, they can do so from the guest portal 24/7 without the need to make a trip to the office or call during office hours. Credit cards and bank accounts are both accepted payment methods.

Screenshot 2023-02-15 153134Update payment method

Payment History

Guests can view all charges and payments for their reservation. All payments will be shown for each charge, and the charge will display if it is paid, unpaid, or partially paid. Each payment listed will show the amount, the day it was paid, and the payment method used.

Screenshot 2023-02-15 153450View payment history

Make a Payment

All unpaid charges will be available to be paid on the guest portal. Charges will be listed with the due date, and can be paid with the payment method on file. The charge can be paid in full, or the guest can enter a custom amount to pay a portion of the charge. If multiple charges are listed, the guest can pay them all at once in full.

Screenshot 2023-02-15 153619Make a payment

Reservation Attachments

Guests can upload an attachment from the Guest portal. Once uploaded guests can view their attached files but cannot rename or delete them. 

Guest-Portal-AttachmentsReservation attachments


The contact page is provided as an easy way for the guest to send you a quick question or request changes to their reservation. This will send an email to the email address listed for your property in your property settings.

CS-Firefly-KB-Guest-Portal-Contact-1024x626Contact Page


Disable Guest Portal

There is currently no way to disable the guest portal. However, if you want to dissuade guests from using the guest portal, we recommend the following: 

  • Remove the Guest Portal Links from all Emails and Email Templates.
  • Add a note to the top of the Guest Portal that highlights your park does not use it, and redirect customers in the message to the proper way to update their reservation information and to contact you. You can do this under Property Settings --> Guest Portal (tab) and update the Custom Guest Portal Message