Using the Interactive Map Builder

The interactive map builder is how you can set up a map for your guests to book from.

Last Updated:  July 17, 2024

Link to Feature: (or click here)

Quick Links:

Feature Overview

Uploading Maps

Add Units to the Map 

Viewing a Map

Additional Tips



Interactive maps make it easy for potential guests to see available units at your campground. By looking at the map, they can easily identify a location they are interested in, and select the location to book it immediately.

To create your interactive map, upload your map, and link (or add) your units to the map. Instructions below.

Upload a Map Image

You can upload as many maps as your park needs.

Note: Maps should be put in the order in which they would like to see them from the dropdown within the Reservation Portal or from the backend

To do so: 

  1. Click Settings
  2. Click Map
  3. Click New Map
  4. Enter a Map Title
  5. Click Upload New Map
  6. A box will then appear prompting you to upload the file from your device. You can click on the file or drag and drop it into the box.

The file types that can be uploaded are: .jpg, png, gif

Add Units to your Map

You need to link the units on your uploaded map. This tells Firefly where each unit is at, so guests can see live availability from the reservation portal just by looking at the map.

To start, click the map to open it. Select Mark Units On Map. Select the type of shape you need to create, a circle or an outline.

  • To create a circle... select the Circle option. Choose the diameter of your circle. Place the crosshair cursor over the center of the site and click. Select the site number you are linking and click Save. Repeat for other sites with a circle shape on the map.
  • To create an outline... select the Outline option. Click on each corner of a unit, ending on the first corner you started with. When the shape is complete, a dialog will show so you can select the unit you just outlined. Select the unit, and click Save. You can drag any corner to adjust the shape you just created over the unit. Repeat this step for each one of your units.
  • To remove a unit... click Finish Marking Units. Click a unit, and select Remove from map to unlink the unit. This does not effect the unit in any way other than removing the shape from the map.
    • This process is the same if you need to move a link's location or change it's shape/size. To redo the unit link, simple repeat a process above to add the correct location or shape. KB-Map-Builder

When all done linking sites, click Finish Marking Units. 

Viewing a Map on the Reservation Portal

Now that your map has been set up, open your reservation portal. Search for available units by entering any search parameters.

Select the Map tab, and you will see the interactive map with each available unit in green and unavailable unit in red.

Click any unit to view more info about that unit, and click Book to add that unit to your card. You can switch back to list view at any time by clicking the List tab.


Tips for Creating a Map

You can use a simple image editor to make a map, such as Microsoft Paint, or a vector editor like InkScape, Illustrator, or Gravit Designer, which was used to make the map below. You can also upload an overhead satellite image from Google Maps.


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