Payment Processing Overview and Set Up

Setting up your payment processor. This article highlights the various payment processor partners that Firefly has integrated with, as well as provides help setting up those processors.

Last Updated: July 12, 2024

Link to Feature: (or click here)



Quick Links:

Payment Processor Overview


Clover Connect

  • Getting Started with CloverConnect
  • Connecting CloverConnect to Firefly




i3 Merchants / Bridgepay

  • Setting Up i3Merchants/Bridgepay
  • i3Merchants/Bridgepay Support






  • Setting Up Stripe
  • Stripe Support
  • For Canadian Accounts - Setting Up ACSS





    • BASYS Support
    • Adding a Terminal




Passing Along Payment Processing Fees to Guests

Payment Processor Options

It is important to be able to process credit cards online so you can capture payments at the time a customer is willing to pay. Firefly allows you to collect a deposit amount of your choosing at the time the guest makes a reservation.


Firefly offers four payment processing integrations. Two recommended processors: Clover Connect and BridgePay with i3 Merchant and two needing prior approval for use by Firefly team: BASYS and Stripe (for Canada Parks).

To connect to one of these processors, go to Setting -> Property -> Payments & Charges tab.

What is the difference between the four payment processing companies? 

  • Clover Connect is our preferred payment processor partnership. Our customers get excellent rates, and a quick business approval process, fast funding, and 24/7 support.
  • i3 Merchants/BridgePay offers competitive rates and quick setups. They offer a variety of Gateway API-Processors and daily payouts. They have very good personal support and account management. Only customers in the USA can currently us BridgePay.
  • Stripe offers very fast setup times and international currency support. You can be connect to Stripe and start processing payments within minutes. Stripes rates can be slightly higher. New Stripe accounts may experience a delay in payouts (14 days or more) temporarily while they monitor the health of your account. However, once you have established a good reputation regarding refunds and chargebacks, they will remove the payout delay. 
  • BASYS Only customers in the USA can currently use BASYS.


Note: If you would like to use Stripe or BASYS, please reach out to our sales team


Clover Connect

Click here learn more about Firefly and CloverConnect's partnership.

Getting Started with Clover Connect

From inside Firefly

  1. Click "Settings"
  2. Click "Property"
  3. Click on the "Payments and Charges" tab
  4. Scroll to the Clover Connect option, and click "Contact Clover Connect" 


Setting Up Clover Connect

Once you are a confirmed Clover Connect customer, you will have the information you need to update Firefly and start taking online transactions.

  1. Click Settings
  2. Click Property
  3. Click the Payments and Charges tab
  4. Next to Clover Connect, Click Connect
  5. Enter in the information that Clover Connect has provided
  6. Click Save 


Having trouble with your credentials? Here are a couple of tips we received directly from Clover Connect: 

◽ Check for accidental typos 

◽  Instead of copy/paste your credentials from the secure email you received, try manually typing in the information. This can eliminate any hidden characters that were accidentally grabbed in the copy/paste


i3 is a partner that will become like trusted family, providing dedicated account management and a caring customer support. They offer competitive rates and quick setups. They offer a variety of Gateway API-Processors and daily payouts. i3 provides newer EMV Chip Readers, reducing chip reader errors and failures. This makes taking transactions fast and reliable. Only customers in the USA can currently us i3 with Firefly.


Follow this guide to get started processing payments directly in Firefly using i3/BridgePay.

Set up an i3/BridgePay Account

From inside Firefly, go to Settings Property and choose the Payments & Charges tab. Click Contact i3 Merchant Solutions

CC setup photoContact i3 Merchant Solutions

This will bring you to the i3 website and you can contact Russ Rybolt at or 513-338-8458. Russ will help you get your BridgePay account set up.

Connecting Your i3 Merchants/BridgePay Account

Russ will send you all of your information needed to connect your BridgePay account in Firefly. Again, go to Settings Property and click the Payments & Charges tab. Now click Connect next to BridgePay. 

bridgepay picEnter your BridgePay credentials and select Live Mode


Type in all of the information that Russ sends you. Also be sure to select Live Mode since this is a live account. Click Save to save the BridgePay connection details and you are complete! You are now ready to process payments in Firefly using i3/BridgePay.


i3Merchants/BridgePay Support

For support needs, visit their support page here.



Follow the guide below to connect to a new or existing Stripe account.

Connecting to Stripe

Log in to your Firefly account, and go to Settings > Property and choose the Payments tab. Click the Connect With Stripe button.

CS-Firefly-KB-Settings-Connect-to-Stripe-1-1024x320Under Settings > Property > Payments, click Connect With Stripe


You will be directed to Stripes website where you will create a new account. if you already have a Stripe account, skip this step and read below. Your business information such as address and contact information will be entered, as well as your bank account information so Stripe can deposit collected payments into your bank account.

Create a new Stripe account

Once all required data is filled, you will click the Authorize access to this account button to complete. You will be redirected back to the Firefly website.

Complete new Stripe account

If you already have a Stripe account, select the Sign In link in the very top right. Enter your username and password to sign in. You will now see the below screen where you can select the account to connect.

Choose an existing account if you already have a Stripe account

Select the account (1) if you have multiple accounts. Click Connect my Stripe account (2) to complete the process and return back to Firefly.

Your Stripe account is now connected

You will now see the green Connected to Stripe button. That is it, you are now ready to accept credit card payments! If you ever want to disconnect from Stripe, just select Disconnect from Stripe.

You can log into your Stripe dashboard at any time at They have a very user friendly dashboard that allows you to see all payments, run reports, and even view when your next deposit to your bank account will be.


Became a Firefly customer before March, 2024? You might have different default settings. Prior to March, Stripe customers could not choose to pass along their Firefly fee to customers but now you can! 


Passing along Fees to your Customers in Stripe

If you check the 'Enable custom reservation fees' box, it will disable the automatic Stripe reservation fee on the reservation portal which will make it so that reservation fees will be collected on their monthly invoice rather than directly at the time of the reservation.

Doing this will allow you to pass the fee along to your guest, or even customize the amount that you wish to pass along. 

To edit the Reservation Fee that you are passing along to your guest, you can go to Settings --> Property --> Fees (tab), or click here for more help. 

Adding a Canadian Direct Debit Bank Account 

For more information, visit this help article here.


Set up a BASYS account

First, you will need to set up an account with BASYS. To do so, log in to Firefly and click Settings Property. Click on the Payments tab at the top, and click the Create an account with BASYS link or, you can click here.


This will take you to the BASYS website where you will fill out a form to initiate the process of setting up an account. BASYS will contact you to gather all the required information in order to set up your account.

If you have a processor already, you can optionally upload your current merchant statement and BASYS will analyze what you are paying now, and compare it side-by-side with what you would be paying with BASYS. 

Connect to your BASYS account to Firefly

Once BASYS has contacted your and set up your BASYS account, they will send you a parameter sheet which contains your public and private API keys. Contact BASYS if you have not received this email. 

You can then open Firefly, and go to Settings > Property, and on the Payments tab, click Connect.

Click Connect to connect to BASYS

You will then see where you can paste your public and private API keys found in your BASYS parameter sheet. Also be sure to select Live Mode since this is a live account.

CS-Firefly-KB-Settings-BASYS-API-Keys-1Enter your BASYS API Keys and select Live Mode


Click Save to save the BASYS connection details and you are complete! You are now ready to process payments in Firefly using BASYS.

BASYS Support 

You can access BASYS Support team at this link here.

Adding A Terminal to BASYS

We have a separate knowledgebase article here with the steps to do so.


🙋‍♀️ Still need help? Email: and one of our technicians can help answer your questions.

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