Cancel a Reservation

Cancelling a reservation in Firefly is easy and can be done with the click of a few buttons. Cancelling a reservations will NOT automatically add any fees or refund any payments, so there is usually a two or three step process for cancellations - fees, refund, then cancel.

Step 1: Necessary Fees or Charges

Add and pay for any necessary charges or fees, like a cancellation or clean-up fee.

There are 3 options to add charges...

  • POS Item
    Click this link for the steps to Charge POS Transaction to a Reservation
  • Reservation Add-on
    Most parks have cancellation fees, and other frequent reservation charges, set up as an add-on. Follow the steps in this article to use the add-on option, Reservation Add-ons
  • New Charge 
    The New Charge option is available on the reservation's Charges tab. It is most frequently used for unique, one-off charges.

Any of these charges may be paid directly from another paid charge (like a deposit or site fee) by clicking on the Options drop down next to the payment, then selecting Transfer to another charge.


Step 2: Refund

As mentioned, cancelling a reservation does not initiate any automatic refunds. Any necessary refunds must be done separately before cancelling the reservation. (Note: if you happen to cancel a reservation before doing refunds, you still have access to go back and issue them)

Before moving on through this article, follow these steps on the refunds article to issue appropriate refunds before cancelling. 

Step 3: Cancel the Reservation

After any desired charges have been added and payments have been refunded, you can now cancel the reservation by clicking Options > Refund Reservation on the top right of the reservation.

Click Options > Cancel Reservation

If payments have been applied toward the reservation, you may see a confirmation dialog to remind you to refund any payments first since.

Refund payment reminder

You will then see another confirmation dialog to make sure you really want to cancel the reservation.

Confirmation Dialog

Once canceled, you will then see the reservation status has been updated to canceled.

Canceled reservation status

If you need to restore a canceled reservation, just click the Options menu again, and select Restore Reservation.

Restore a canceled reservation

Cancelations for Reservations with Multiple Units Booked

In some cases, a guest will have a reservation with multiple units booked. If a guest wants to cancel only specific units on a larger reservation but keep some then we do not want to cancel the entire reservation. Instead, Firefly allows you to just remove the specific unit from the reservation in which then appropriate refunds can be issued as normal.

To do this, navigate into the reservation in question and view the Units tab. Here you will see a list of units booked for the reservation. For the unit in question, hit the Options dropdown to the right, then select Remove Unit.

Screenshot 2023-05-10 114843Cancel an Individual Unit from a Larger Reservation

Once selected, the Unit will be removed from that reservations. Again, like regular cancelations, this will not automatically refund or remove the charge associated with that unit. Navigate to the Charges tab to make the necessary changes.

Cancel reservation from the guest portal

When a guest logs in to the guest portal to manage their reservation, they will have the option to request their reservation be canceled.

CS-Firefly-KB-Guest-Portal-Cancel-Reservation-RequestGuest can request to cancel their reservation from the guest portal

This does NOT cancel their reservation however, this just sends an email to your property to let you know a guest has requested to cancel the reservation. If you do decide to cancel the reservation, you will have to cancel the reservation using the steps outlined above.