
Firefly now offers advanced policies and eSignatures that can be saved for a guest’s reservation. Multiple policies can be created and assigned to various reservation types, unit types, add-ons, or pets. They will also require an electronic signature at the time of the reservation. If a reservation for a guest is made from the backend, an email notification will be sent to the guest stating that they have policies needing to be signed. The guest can then log into their Guest Portal to sign the required policies. Staff can confirm signatures on a reservation's Policies page.

How To Add A New Policy

To add a new policy, go to Settings -> Policies. By default, you will have one “General Policy” that is editable from the three dots on the right-hand side. You will then be inside the specific policy’s page to fully customize it to your liking and standard. Like the Email Templates, this space allows for placeholders to be inserted within a text box that auto-populate from those custom fields.

CS-Firefly-KB-policies-1policy options

You can then choose if this policy will apply to a specific reservation type, unit type, add-on, or a reservation with a pet. If the box applicable to pets is checked, then the policy will only show for guests who specify they have a pet when creating their reservation. For policies aligned with certain add-ons, a custom policy for guest’s who are renting a golf cart, purchasing firewood, etc. can be created. The "policy must be accepted individually" checkbox will ensure that guests read and acknowledge a crucial policy block at the time of signature when making the reservation. Lastly, this section includes the option to restrict a policy to certain unit classes. Note: Leave all classes unchecked to apply to all unit classes.

CS-Firefly-KB-policies-2-768x466policy options

The Guest's View

When a guest makes an online reservation, they will be able to view the policies before inserting their payment information. All policies that apply to their reservation criteria will display on one page with a signature requirement.

CS-Firefly-KB-policies-4reservation portal policies page

Notice the two individual policies labeled “Firewood Policy" and "Golf Cart Policy." This is because, for this reservation, individual policies were made for each add-on. Since each add-on was added to the reservation, this pulled in the required policies captured above. Lastly, notice the individual “Acknowledgement Required” box under the “General Policy”.

Where Do The Policies Go?

Policies are saved to the reservation itself. From Reservations -> Reservation Grid -> Open Reservation, a “Policies” tab can be viewed. This section contains the overall status of the policies, a viewable PDF copy if all policies have been signed, and the ability (in some cases) to email guests notifying them that they have unsigned policies.

CS-Firefly-KB-policies-10policies tab on the reservation

There are three emblems that could show within this tab for each policy; a green check mark, a red X, or an orange exclamation point. The green check mark indicates that the policy is signed and ready. The red X means the policy needs to be signed. Lastly, the orange exclamation point indicates that the policy has been changed or updated since the guest last signed that policy. When a red X is shown, you will have the option to email the guest notifying them that they have unsigned policies. The link in their email will bring them to the Guest Portal for their signature requirement.

Email Template

The email template directing guests to the Guest Portal to complete their policies is fully customizable. This can be found in Settings -> Email Templates -> Reservation Policies. This email will automatically send to a guest when a reservation is made from the backend. It is also resendable from the “Policies” tab within the reservation itself.

CS-Firefly-KB-policies-7-768x780policies email template

Guest Portal Policies

From the Guest Portal, guests will have the option to read and sign their policies. If all have been accounted for and signed, a message stating “All policies for this reservation have been signed.” will be displayed. Once signed, guests will also be given the option to view the policies at their own convenience.

CS-Firefly-KB-policies-6-768x764guest portal policies
CS-Firefly-KB-e922b4f0-bec4-467e-8244-f00a9afff2adguest portal policies signed and saved

That's it! Policies are very important for parks to protect themselves, and it needs to be tracked for every reservation. Firefly makes it easy to ensure every guest is signing and acknowledging your parks specific rules.