Unit Rates - Set Up and Changes

How do I set up rates? How do I make changes to rates? What are all the different rate options that I see in Firefly?

Firefly rates are extremely customizable. We hope to meet the needs of every park!

Last Updated: July 19, 2024

Link to Feature: https://app.fireflyreservations.com/units (or click here)

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Rate Types


In Firefly you can set up standard, and special rates. These can also be broken down by stay length: daily, weekly, monthly, or seasonal. Below will provide descriptions and use cases for the various types of rates you can set up in Firefly. 

Rate Types

What is the difference between Standard Rates and Special Rates? 

Standard rates are the units regular default rate. Special rates allow for more customization,  such as peak seasons or holiday weekends when demand will be higher. 

CS-Firefly-KB-Unit-RatesSet up your rates just how you like it!

Rate Types

Firefly support 4 types of rates: daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal rates. Daily rates apply to reservations less than 7 nights long, weekly rates apply to reservations 7 nights to less than 1 month long, and monthly rates apply to reservations 1 month long or longer. Seasonal rates will be evaluated first regardless of how long the reservation is. If no seasonal rate is found to match the reservation criteria, the daily/weekly/monthly rates will be evaluated based on how long the reservation is.

If the reservation qualifies for monthly rates and no monthly rates are found or if no monthly rate is available for any part of the reservation, Firefly will automatically fall back to use weekly rates. If no weekly rate is found or available, daily rates will be used.

Standard Rates

Standard rates are the unit's default rate. A unit must have a standard rate with date coverage extending at least 6 months. Multiple standard rates are allowed, but they cannot overlap. For example, you might want a 2019 rate and a 2020 rate if you want to increase rates for the new year. You can also just have one standard rate that expires in 2025 so you don't have to worry about rates for a while. You can always come back and update the rate's effective date range if you want to change rates later. If you have multiple standard rates, be sure there are no date gaps in between them. You must have a standard rate for daily, weekly, and monthly rates.

Special Rates

Special rates make it easy to charge increased rates for peak seasons or holiday weekends without altering your standard rates. You can have as many special rates as want, or you can have none at all since they are not required.

Special rates will always override the standard rate if both rates are available for a given date. If multiple special rates are available for a given date, the topmost rate will be the rate that is applied. You can rearrange special rates by dragging the 3 stacked dots icon in order to arrange special rates in your desired order.

CS-Firefly-KB-Unit-Special-Rates-2The topmost special rate will apply

For example, in the image above, if a guest reserves a unit for May 7-10, the "Summer rate" special rate will be applied, since the July 4th rate does not apply for those dates and the "Senior Citizen Rate" has a rate qualifier attached so only applies if it is indicated the guest is a senior. Special rates can take advantage of rate qualifiers which allow you to give special rates to guests if they qualify. So in this case, if the guest is a senior, they will get the senior citizen rate no matter what since it has the highest priority.

Rate Options

When adding a new rate, select a rate name and the rate amount. For daily rates, you can customize the rate for each day of the week individually. The active period specifies the time range the rate will apply. Max adults, children and pets identifies the maximum number of each that can stay for the specified rate amount. If the reservation includes more adults, children, or pets than the max allowed for this rate, the extra adult, children, or pet amount will be added to the rate. For example, in the rate above, the weekday daily rate is $50. The max adults is 4. If a guest wants to reserve for 1 night with 6 adults, $10 will be added to the rate, $5 extra for each adult.

For more on additional occupants, visit this help article here.

Screenshot 2024-02-27 161213Standard rate options

Advanced rates options (Special Rates)

To make your rates even more dynamic, you can change the rate applied to a reservation based on how full you property is, and even how many days in the stay. When editing a rate, click Show advanced rate options to view the advanced settings.

Simply enter a value in the minimum and/or maximum fields for Days in Stay and Property Occupancy sections.

CS-Firefly-KB-Unit-Special-occupancy-ratesDynamic rates based on property occupancy

In the example above, you can alter the daily rate depending on how full your property is. So when your property is only at 50% or less occupancy, the daily rate is $35. When occupancy is between 51%-90%, the daily rate is $50/day. And if the property occupancy is at 91% or higher, the daily rate will be $65.

How Rates are Calculated

You can read more about how rates are calculated here.

Copy Rate Settings from One Unit to the Next

You can use the Import/Export tool to make changes from one unit, and then copy them over to other units. Note: If you use this function for rates, it will copy over all rates, not just the most recently changed rate. 


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