Add or Edit Units

Units can be added or edited at any time in Firefly. Below are the steps to create a new unit and edit an existing unit.

Last Updated: March 20, 2025

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Create a New Unit

Edit Unit Settings

Import or Export Unit Settings

Clone a New Unit

Arrange Units

Create a New Unit

To create a new unit, go to Settings Units then click New Unit. After entering the unit's name and the red asterisk details on the General tab, click Save. You may complete the remaining tabs of the unit's settings at the same time or in stages as your schedule allows. 

Edit Unit Settings

A unit's tabs allow you to setup or make a change to each tab independently at any time. Go to Settings > Units > click a unit to open it > select the tab you would like to work on.

Screenshot 2023-03-06 154834
General tab in unit settings

Here are the tabs for complete unit setup:

General Settings - Enter all the desired settings for the unit. You can enter the unit #, set the max capacity, select the unit type & class, specify RV restrictions, and select what types of reservations are accepted. You can also set departure buffer days to be automatically applied after each reservation on the unit. Click Save to save your changes.

Rates - Select the Rates tab to edit the prices guests are charged for this unit. Follow these detailed instructions on how to add rates. You must add a daily, weekly, and monthly standard rate. Special rates are optional.

Deposits - Set up deposit rules. Follow these detailed instructions on how to add deposits  

Taxes - Select any taxes that apply to this unit. Follow these instructions for Taxes

Photos - Drag and drop or click to add photos of the unit. If you have multiple photos, you can drag and drop to rearrange the display order.

Amenities - Select all amenities that apply to this unit. Add amenities under Settings > Amenities if you have not already set them up.

Min/Max Nights - If reservations on the unit must meet a minimum or maximum night requirement, click Add Minimum Night Rule or Add Maximum Night Rule. For more information, see: Min/Max Nights

Lock Fees - Add lock fees for guests to be able to purchase a guarantee for the site they choose when booking. Follow these instructions to setup Lock Fees

Blocks - If this unit is to be blocked off for any reason (repair, out of season, etc), add a new blocked off date range by clicking Add Blocked Out Date. This article explains more about  Blocking a Unit

Utilities - Record or view utility readings. This shares more about the Record Utilities process.

Add-ons - Add required add-ons as specific items or fees the guest MUST purchase and pay for if they book a specific unit.

Notes - Add any notes to a unit. These are for internal purposes only so guests cannot see what is written in the notes field. For more information about notes in Firefly, see this article on Notes

That's all! You have completely set up your unit. 

Import or Export unit settings

If you make a change on one unit that you want to apply to other units, you can use the import/export feature. Click the Options dropdown and select Import/Export Unit Info.

Settings can be import from or exported to another unit. Huge time saver!

First, select if you want to import settings from another unit, or export settings from the current unit to another unit (1). Select which units to import from or export to (2), and choose which settings to copy (3). Click Continue to apply those changes. This is incredibly useful if you need to update your photos or rates for all units. Just update one unit, and then export those settings to all applicable units.

Clone a New Unit

Chances are you have units that are very similar or even identical in their setup. If so, you can simply clone a unit to create a new one. When cloning, all you have to do is edit a new unit's name, number, and differences like amenities, unit length, or unit width. Cloning also allows you to create multiple units at one time which can be a huge time saver. For more information on cloning a unit, check out this article: Clone a Unit.

Delete a Unit 

Click the Options dropdown in the top right corner and select Delete Unit.

Arrange Units

Use the arrange units feature to quickly update the names and numbers of your units as well as set the display order.


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