Using and Customizing the Reservation Portal

Learn how to customize your online reservation portal and how guests book a reservation

Last Updated: October 4, 2024

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The Reservation Booking Process

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The reservation portal is the website that your guests will book their reservations with your park. This article will go over a sample of what the reservation booking process will look like, and provide additional information around the features. 

The Reservation Booking Process

Search for available units

Screenshot 2023-06-01 143033

1. Customize graphics: Add a logo and larger background image. To upload these, go to your Settings > Property > General. 

2. Add Reservation Portal Instructions: Add any additional instructions you would like the guest to have for making a reservation. Add text here by going to Settings > Property > Reservations. Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter text in the textbox under "Reservation Portal Instructions".

3. Reservation Type: First select the reservation type. Standard reservations are when the guest knows their departure date. Ongoing reservations are for guests who will be staying on an ongoing basis and will pay monthly. If a short term reservation is chosen, guests must enter the arrival and departure date range. The date range calendar that shows allows the guest to choose the range of their stay. If Long term reservation type is chosen, only the arrival date will be entered.
4. Adults/Children/Pets: Use the +/- buttons to increase or decrease the number of adults, children, and pets that will be guests. These selections will effect which units are available and the rate for the units. Each unit has a maximum occupancy and rates can increase depending on the number of occupants. Add occupant instructions underneath by going to Settings > Property > Reservations. Find the "Reservation Portal Occupants Instructions" field. 

5. Enter Required RV Information (if RV Site): Enter information in required fields set in the Settings > Property > Reservations > Available Unit Search Checkboxes. These inputs will effect which units are available and the rate for the units

6. Select Rate Qualifiers: If you have rate qualifiers set up to be shown on the reservation portal this is where the guest would choose those.

Clicking 'Search Availability' will display all the available units based on the form.

Selecting a unit or multiple units

Once 'Search Availability' is clicked, all available units will be displayed. Guests can view available units in a list or map view using the toggles at the top. Parks can set a default view by going to Settings > Property > Reservations. The guest can click a unit's image to view the picture full size as well is view any other pictures that are available. The 'Book' button can be clicked by any number of units to add that unit to the cart. Once all desired units are selected, click 'Continue'.

Screenshot 2023-06-01 145602Viewing Available Units


Vehicle Information

If you require the collection of vehicle information, the next screen will prompt the guest to do so.

Screenshot 2023-06-01 150122Enter Vehicle Information


If you offer any add-ons to be purchased at the time of booking on the portal they will be displayed next. Any add-ons that are set up to be shown on the reservation portal will be listed here for guests to purchase when making the reservation.

Screenshot 2023-06-01 150223Choose Add-ons if offered

Guest Information

The next step is for the guest to enter in their personal details. The required fields are marked with a red star, these cannot be customized. Read here to learn about Firefly International guest support.

Screenshot 2023-06-01 150602Guest Information Page

Agreeing to Policies

The policies page will be displayed next to allow the guest an opportunity to review your properties policies. The guest must sign and agree to policies in order to continue booking the unit. If the policies are declined, the user will returned to the previous page.

]Guest are required to sign policies

Guest and Payment Info

The final step is for the guest to enter their credit card details. The payment section will only be displayed if you have set up payment processing and collect payment at the time of booking. The guest can also choose to let you know how they heard about you. These options can also be customized on the property settings page. If you have any coupons setup, this is wear the guest can apply coupons. Once the guest fills out all the fields and clicks 'Complete Reservation', the guest will see a final Reservation success screen to let them know the reservation was successful.

Screenshot 2023-06-01 151238Enter Credit Card information and any other fields 

Reservation Success

Once the reservation success page is displayed, the guest will be shown a success message that is customizable by you on the Reservations tab in your property settings. This can be a simple thank you message with instructions on how to contact you and directions to your property. It can also include information about their reservation and a link to your guest portal so they can manage their reservation.

KB-Reservation-Portal-Success-2A customizable reservation success message will be displayed once the reservation is complete

Email Notifications

Once a new reservation has been made, your guest will get an email with details of their reservation and a link to the guest portal so they can view and manage their reservation. Also, you will receive an email to notify you of the new reservation that was just created. You can modify the email recipients of this new reservation notification email in your property settings under the 'Notifications' tab.


Turn Off Reservation Portal

If you want to turn off your reservation portal completely from the public, you can turn off the reservation portal. 

  1. Click Settings
  2. Click Property
  3. Click the Reservations tab
  4. Scroll down until you see the setting "Reservation Portal Availability" and uncheck the box
  5. Click Save


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